jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Actividad Unidad II

The "Barack Obama 2.0" Political Machine

As Barack Obama builds his administration and prepares to take office next week, his political team is quietly planning for a nationwide hiring binge that would marshal an army of full-time organizers to press the new president's agenda and lay the foundation for his reelection.
The organization, known internally as "Barack Obama 2.0," is being designed to sustain a grass-roots network of millions that was mobilized last year to elect Obama and now is widely considered the country's most potent political machine.

Idea principal del texto: Potente organización política conocida como 2.0 Barack Obama, para crear base de datos de millones de personas que buscan la elección como presidente.
Oraciones: As Barack Obama builds his administraction and prepares to take office next week, his political team is quietly planning for a nationwide hiring binge that would marshal an army of full-time organizers to press the new president's agenda and lay the foundation for his reelection.
Frase nominal: Barack Obama
Pre- modificadores:As
Pos modificadores:
Frase Verbal: Builds his administration
Nucleo: Builds
Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple  


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