viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

Ejercicio 1


In 1972, Commonwealth Caribbean leaders at the Seventh Heads of Government Conference decided to transform the Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA) into a Common Market and establish the Caribbean Community, of which the Common Market would be an integral part.

The signing of the Treaty establishing the Caribbean Community, Chaguaramas, 4th July 1973, was a defining moment in the history of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Although a free-trade area had been established, CARIFTA did not provide for the free movement of labour and capital, or the coordination of agricultural, industrial and foreign policies.

Commonwealth (s) =  Mancomunidad (de contenido)
Free (adv) =  Libre     (de contenido)
which (adj) =  que       (de función o de estructura)
Although (conj) =  Aunque (de función o de estructura)
foreign (adj) =  extranjero   (de contenido)

Categorias Lexicales:
Sustantivos: Caribbean - Capital
Adjetivos:    Common - ForeignAdverbios:   Any - To
Verbos:       decided - was
Conjunciones:  for -

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